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Access components​

use Co\IO;



// Create a socket connection
public function connect(string $address, int $timeout = 0, mixed $context = null): Promise;

// Listen to a socket server
public function server(string $address, mixed $context = null): Promise;

// Convert socket connection to SSL connection
public function enableSSL(SocketStream $stream): Promise;

// Listen to an SSL socket server
public function serverWithSSL(string $address, mixed $context = null): Promise;

//Create an SSL socket connection
public function connectWithSSL(string $address, int $timeout = 0, mixed $context = null): Promise;


Establishing a socket connection is an important function of ripple. Asynchronous network communication can be achieved through socket connections, such as HTTP server, WebSocket server, etc. All functions that access the Socket library will return a Promise object. You can wait for the result of the Promise object through the await keyword. Or handle asynchronous results through the then method. The Socket library hides details such as connection handshake/SSL handshake, you only need to focus on the business logic.


A simple example illustrates the implementation of Http server, which is also a basic SocketStream application example.

use Co\IO;
use function Co\async;
use function Co\await;

$server = await(

* @var SocketStream $client
$client = await(

"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n".
"Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n".
"Content-Length: 11\r\n".
"Hello World"

