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Process eventsโ€‹

In ripple, you can register an event that occurs after the process forks through the forked method, and execute the specified closure function in the child process after the fork. All fork events will be executed in the child process after the fork, and the registered processor will be forgotten after execution.


namespace Co;

function forked(Closure $closure): int;
function cancelForked(int $index): void;
\Co\forked(function () {
\Co\repeat(function () {
echo 'repeat task';
}, 1);

$task = \Co\System::Process()->task(function () {
echo 'fork task';

$runtime = $task->run();


Using task to create a sub-process can put time-consuming tasks into the sub-process for execution to avoid blocking the main process. The child process will inherit all resources of the parent process. But all event handlers, including those registered with forked will be forgotten. Therefore, the event handler needs to be re-registered in the child process.

Futures contract managementโ€‹

0.7.1 and above versions support waitGroup, Promise::all, Promise::allSettled, Promise::futures and other futures contract management methods. Used to control the execution of multiple asynchronous tasks.


WaitGroup is used to wait for a group of contracts to be executed. It is usually used to wait for multiple contracts to be executed before performing the next step. Usually you need to initialize a WaitGroup object with a counter, or call the add method on the WaitGroup object to increase the counter.

use Ripple\Coroutine\WaitGroup;

$waitGroup = new WaitGroup(2);

\Co\async(static function () use ($waitGroup) {

\Co\async(static function () use ($waitGroup) {



Promise::all is used to wait for a group of futures contracts to be executed and return the execution results of all futures contracts. It is usually used to wait for multiple contracts to be executed before performing the next step. It is worth noting that Promise::all will wait for all futures to be executed. Even if one of the futures fails to execute, you will get a failed future. and Promise::all will wait for all futures to be executed, Even if one of the futures fails to execute, you will get a failed future.

use Ripple\Coroutine\Promise;

$tasks = [];

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$tasks[] = \Co\async(static function () use ($i) {
return $i;

$result = Promise::all($tasks);


Promise::allSettled is used to wait for a set of futures to be executed and return the set of futures objects for all futures, regardless of whether the futures execution is successful or failed. Usually used to wait for multiple contracts to be executed before performing the next step.

use Ripple\Coroutine\Promise;

$tasks = [];

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$tasks[] = \Co\async(static function () use ($i) {
return $i;

$promise = Promise::allSettled($tasks);


Promise::futures does not wait for the execution of the future to complete, but immediately returns an iterator, which can be used to traverse the execution results of all futures' future objects. Tasks that are executed first will pop up first in the iterator

use Ripple\Coroutine\Promise;
use function Co\async;

$tasks = [];

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$tasks[] = async(static function () use ($i) {
\Co\sleep(\mt_rand(1, 10));
return $i;

foreach (Promise::futures($tasks) as $future) {
echo 'Coroutine is done ', $future, \PHP_EOL;



Promise::any is used to wait for any one of the futures in a set of futures to be executed, and return the execution result of the first completed future.

use Ripple\Coroutine\Promise;

use function Co\async;

$tasks = [];

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$tasks[] = async(static function () use ($i) {
\Co\sleep(\mt_rand(1, 10));
return $i;

$promise = Promise::any($tasks)->then(function ($value) {
echo 'Coroutine is done ', $value, \PHP_EOL;


Promise::race is used to wait for any one of the futures in a set of futures to be executed, and return the execution result of the first completed future.

use Ripple\Coroutine\Promise;

$tasks = [];

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$tasks[] = \Co\async(static function () use ($i) {
\Co\sleep(\mt_rand(1, 10));
return $i;

Promise::race($tasks)->then(function ($value) {
echo 'Coroutine is done ', $value, \PHP_EOL;